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Most days a mama of 3 kids and wife.
At 30 yrs old decided to not only go after my dreams but guide others to do the same in beauty + business.
Real Af like im cleaning my house day and the light bulb came on to share with you today the lessons, mistakes and power of style shoots, pop-up events and networking in your community as a beaty Professional. Having done all of it last year and kicked off this year with another style shoot giving you all the things I wish I knew and considered when I started.
The importance of protecting your energy, value and time as you go into it. As always take what resonates and leave the rest behind. Feel free to dm on instagram @celestethestylist or tag me with a screenshot of this episode. If you are watching the video podcast real cleaning the house crazy hair day will be the look lol.
THank you to you for your candid Talks that happen on the dms you are part of this community and growth. This year the podcast will be 5 years old and it wouldnt have happended with out YOU!
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